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What can you do about difficult time-sharing (custody) exchanges?

On Behalf of | Sep 15, 2023 | Family Law

Some parents eventually find common ground that improves cooperation and communication after a divorce. Unfortunately, many others struggle to deal with each other for months or even years after a bad breakup.

Time-sharing exchanges can be particularly challenging if you cannot be near your ex without enduring an argument that upsets everyone. Below are two options that could make these exchanges less combative and healthier for all involved, including your kids.

Minimize or eliminate contact

Parents often like to keep custody exchanges on home turf to make things easier for the kids. If you always end up in a disagreement during your encounters, consider limiting your contact. For instance, staying in the car or your home until the exchange is complete can reduce contact.

Use a public place for exchanges

Most people are unlikely to cause or participate in an argument when they are out in public. Consider making time-sharing exchanges in the public, perhaps at school or the library to minimize potential conflicts. You can also limit your contact in your chosen exchange location (as discussed above) for an extra layer of relief.

What not to do

Remember, your Florida time-sharing schedule is a binding court order. No matter how much you dread encounters with your co-parent, you have no right to refuse access to your kids and may face legal consequences if you do so anyway.

Sometimes, modifying a time-sharing court order may improve things, but you must do it the right way. File a petition asking the court to alter your schedule, and do not violate your co-parent’s child access rights while awaiting the court’s decision.

Legal guidance can fill a vital role of support and protection in time-sharing modification cases.